pISSN: 2093-5811

무역보험연구, Vol.18 (2017)

A Study on Satisfaction of Entry to Korean Business in Cebu Area, Philippines : Results using logistic regression analysis

KIM, Il Sik

(Associate Professor, Ingenium College of Liberal Arts, Kwangwoon University)

본연구는필리핀의세부지역에진출한한국상공인의진출만족도가어떤요인들에의해얼마 만큼더크게영향을미쳤는지에대해분석한다.분석을위하여먼저신뢰도분석과요인분석을 실행하였고, 여기서검출된요인들을이용하여로지스틱회귀분석을하였다. 분석결과3개의 유의한성분이추출되었다. 즉, 성분1은‘사업및교육만족도요인’으로, 성분2는‘투자규모 요인’으로추출되었다. 성분3은‘현지종업원규모요인’이라고말하는변수가추출되었다. 한편로지스틱회귀분석의결과는1)세부지역한국상공인의진출만족도의크기는,사업에서 나타나는만족도보다는자녀교육에서나타나는만족도가더클때,세부지역에진출해서느끼는 만족감이더커질확률이높았다. 2)자본규모및현지종업원수와같은‘투자규모및운영비용의 문제’에관련된요인은그자체가세부지역진출에대한만족도를결정하거나크게영향을미치지 는요인으로서는작용하지못하는것으로나타났다. 3) ‘현지인에대한만족도’요인이한국상공인 의사업및자녀교육만족도와관련성이없다. 4)오히려‘창업자의나이’의요인이적게나마만족도에영향을미친다는점이흥미롭다.

필리핀, 세부 지역의 한국 상공인의 진출 만족도 연구 - 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 결과 -

KIM, Il Sik

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the satisfaction of the entry of Korean merchants in the Cebu of the Philippines and the influence of the variables. In order to analyze the satisfaction of the Korean merchants’ entry into Cebu, reliability analysis and factor analysis were performed, and logistic regression analysis was performed using the detected factors. The results of logistic regression analysis are as follows: 1) The size of the satisfaction of the Korean businessmen who entered the Cebu region in the Philippines, when the satisfaction level of the child education is larger than the satisfaction level of the business, it is more likely that the satisfaction of entering into the Cebu region is greater. 2) Factors related to ‘investment size and operating cost’, such as capital size and number of local employees, are important factors in entering the Cebu region, but it does not work as a factor that determine the satisfaction and also does not work as a factor that influences well. 3) Factor ‘satisfaction with locals’ is not related to the satisfaction of Korean businessmen’s business and children’s education.
  Cebu(Philippines),Entry Satisfaction,Merchant,Factor and Logistic Regression Analysis

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