pISSN: 2093-5811

무역보험연구, Vol.19 (2018)

화환신용장의 독소조항에 대한 실무적 유의점에 관한 연구


(中國江蘇科技大學(張家港) 商學院講師)


(건국대학교 국제무역학과 교수)


(건국대학교 일반대학원 국제무역학과 박사과정)

본 연구는 화환신용장에서 악용되고 있는 독소조항의 발생원인, 종류 및 예방할 수 있는 방법 등에 대하여 중국문헌과 신용장 실무를 중심으로 연구하였다. 독소조항의 발생원인을 선의의 독소조항과 악의의 독소조항으로 구분하였으며, 독소조항의 종류를 명시적인 독소조항과 묵시적인 독소조항으로 구분하여 설명하였다. 독소조항에 대한 실무적인 유의점으로 거래상대방의 선택, 거래은행의 선택, 무역계약의 활용을 다루었고, 특히, 신용장의 직접 계약당사자인 개설은행이 아닌 개설의뢰인(APPLICANT)의 경우에 유의할 점을 중심으로 연구하였다.

A Study on the Practical Considerations on Toxic Clauses in Documentary L/C

ZHOU, Ling-Ke

PARK, Kwang-So

OH, Eun-Ji

This study relates to the toxicological clauses of the letter of credit. Some clauses which interferes with the recovery of the beneficiary in the letter of credit transaction, are called a malicious special condition or a toxic clause. The toxic clauses in a letter of credit transaction requires careful consideration because it may be impossible for the beneficiary to meet the document requirements, or it may be very difficult, even if it seems unlikely that the toxic clause is correct. We investigate the causes, types and prevention methods of toxic clauses which are abused in documentary credits, focusing on Korean and Chinese trade practices. First, the cause of the toxic clauses can be divided into the good toxic clauses and the bad toxic clauses, and in general, the toxic clauses means the latter. Second, the types of toxic clauses can be divided into explicit toxic clauses and implicit toxic clauses. Especially explicit toxic clauses are to restrict the entry into force of the letter of credit, to limit the signature of the quality inspector, to limit the shipment, and related to shipping documents etc. The practical considerations of the toxic clauses in documentary credit are that dealt with the choice of the trading partner, the choice of the bank, and the use of the trade contract. In particular, careful attention is required if the “APPLICANT”, who is not a direct party to the documentary credit, appears under special conditions in SWIFT 46A and 47B.
  L/C Toxic Clauses,Malicious Additional Conditions,L/C Document Required,L/C Fake Transactions

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