pISSN: 2093-5811

무역보험연구, Vol.22 (2021)

DOI : 10.22875/jiti.2021.22.4.002

A Study on the Insurer’s Duty to Pay Insurance Claim in English Insurance Law - Focusing on the Main Issues and Effects of Law Reform under the Insurance Act 2015

Shin, Gun-Hoon

(Professor, Department of International Trade, Gyeongsang National University)

Lee, Byung-Mun

(Professor, Department of Global Commerce, Soongsil University)

최근 영국에서 제정된 2개의 법률은 영국뿐만 아니라, 해상보험과 관련하여 영국법을 준거법 으로 채택하고 있는 한국을 포함한 다수 국가의 입장에서 중요한 법률의 변화를 의미한다. IA 2015 제13A조에서는 과거 보험법의 입장과는 달리 보험자에 대하여 새로운 묵시의무를 부과 하고 있고, 의무위반의 경우에 피보험자에 대하여 손해배상청구권을 포함한 구제권을 부여하 고 있다. 이 논문은 보험자의 보험금지급지체와 관련하여 IA 2015 제13A조에 반영되어 있는 보험법개혁의 주요 쟁점 및 잠재적인 효과를 분석하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다.
  영국 보험법개혁,2015년 보험법,보험금지급지체,묵시조항,보험자의 묵시 의무,구제 수단

영국 보험법 상 보험자의 보험금지급의무에 관한 연구 - 2015년 보험법에 의거한 법률개혁의 주요 쟁점 및 효과를 중심으로

Shin, Gun-Hoon

Lee, Byung-Mun

Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the major issues and potential effects of the insurance law reform reflected in article 13A of the Insurance Act 2015 in relation to the delay in payment of insurance claim amount by insurers. Research design, data, methodology : In order to achieve the purpose of the study, it is based upon literature research which briefly reviews the background of the UK insurance law's existing position and legal reform on the insurer’s obligation to pay claim amount, focusing on the recently published Law Commission's report and its related previous literatures. Results : There is no doubt that section 13A of the IA 2015 is an advance on the previous law. Nevertheless, the legal analysis of mains issues shows that there still remains a considerable degree of legal uncertainty in respect with the issue on the late payment of insurance claims. The meaning of section 13A is somewhat unclear, and such a matter of uncertainty will be rested on the judgment of English court in the future. Conclusions : Section 13A is not intended to prevent insurers to engage in thorough investigation of losses; it is merely intended to catch some rare examples of bad claims handling. It is therefore expected that cases in which an insurer will be held liable for damages, will be relatively rare, and the effects of law reform will not be so considerable substantially from the perspective with the limit factors under the general law of contract and the practice of English insurance industry.
  English Insurance Law Reform,Insurance Act 2015,Late Payment of Insurance Claim,Implied Term,Insurer’s Implied Duty,Remedy

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